Work offered

Ref. No. NI-2024-USLA-02

Employer information:
Business or products:
Contact person:
Employer's website:
Working place:
Nearest international airport:
Nearest public transport:
Number of employees:
Working hours per week:
Daily working hours:
Student information:
Discipline: No new field of studies added
Completed years of study:
Language REQUIRED for training: (1 - excellent, 2 - good, 3 - fair)
Other requirements:
Work offered:
Kind of work:
Work description:
Working environment:
Number of weeks offered:
min: 0 - max: 0
Within the time period:
Gross pay:
0.0 AED Monthly
Expected deductions:
Accommodation information:
Lodging will be arranged by:
Expected type of accommodation:
No data
Payment Method:
Frequency of Payment:
Canteen available at work:
Estimated cost of lodging:
0.00 AED Monthly
Estimated cost of living (incl. lodging):
0.00 AED Monthly
Deadline for nomination:
Additional Info: